As a driver of economic development and social progress, Aircalin has been contributing to the growth of New Caledonia’s tourism industry for many years. The company also strives to preserve the nature and richness of New Caledonia’s biodiversity, by providing the air transportation of people and goods vital to our island, whilst managing its environmental impact.




a330 neo

1.二酸化炭素排出量の削減(Reduce our carbon emissions)

Renewal of the Airbus fleet with the acquisition of the A330neo and A320neo

Thanks to the complete renewal of our fleet with two Airbus A330neo long-haul and two Airbus A320neo medium-haul aircraft between mid-2019 and 2023, Aircalin’s new-generation aircraft deliver the best performance in the industry. The Airbus Neo aircraft deliver up to 20% less fuel consumption and carbon emissions per seat.

Aircalin will continue to modernize its fleet with the acquisition of Airbus A350-900’s from 2027. This aircraft will allow an additional reduction in fuel consumption and carbon emissions of around 10% per seat compared to the current A330neo.

Optimised operational measures 

Operational measures are continually being implemented to further reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions, such as maintenance procedures, eco-piloting/green operations (flight plans, fuel optimization software), and onboard weight reduction (use of ultralight trolleys, digital press, baggage containers).



This ambition is based on the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which reduces greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, by up to 80% (over the life cycle) compared to conventional aviation fuel (Jet A1 kerosene).
With the opening of our new route between New Caledonia and mainland France, Aircalin has started using SAF for its flights departing from Paris-Charles de Gaulle.



* サステナブル航空燃料(SAF)とは?

SAF is an aviation fuel that meets specific criteria and sustainability considerations. It is essentially made from non-fossil resources such as organic waste (used cooking oil, wood residues). These resources must not compete with food sources (agricultural land uses) or forestry sources (carbon sinks).


Fougère nature

2.環境補償への貢献(contribute to environmental compensation)


As a French flag carrier, Aircalin has participated in the CORSIA program since 2020 - a Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Civil Aviation initiated by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and relayed by IATA (International Air Transport Association).

The first phase of the program (effective from 2024) is a market-based scheme (carbon credits) intended to financially offset the global increase in carbon emissions distributed amongst each carrier.

There are currently 129 voluntary States covered by this scheme, including France (New Caledonia and French Polynesia as well), Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand and Vanuatu.

The company produces a yearly report detailing the carbon emissions from its global network, which is then reviewed and validated by an IATA-accredited organization. The amount of carbon compensation for each operator is subsequently determined by sending a report to the authority in charge of monitoring - the DGAC (Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile; ie the French Civil Aviation).

Natur Action

Participation in an environmental contribution program in New Caledonia

The local association “naturAction NC” was created in June 2023 by Aircalin, OPT (post and telecommunications office of New Caledonia) and Arc en ciel Service (Land transporter) with the support of an environmental NGO “Green Cross France and Territories”. Its mission is to collect funds which will contribute to the financing of projects in favor of the restoration or preservation of Caledonian forests, mangroves and lagoons.

In June 2023, “naturAction NC” launched its first call for projects to collect, select and support the best initiatives to regenerate New Caledonian ecosystems. The awards ceremony took place on November 14, 2023. In total, 4 million francs – contributed by the three co-founders of naturAction NC, as well as by New Caledonia Tourism – were awarded to two winning projects.
To find out more about these projects, click here and there.

Since February 2024, Aircalin has offered its customers (online at the beginning) the opportunity to participate in this initiative by donating a lump sum contribution to an environmental action. The company's commitment is to match the same amount (for each dollar donated by a passenger, Aircalin will pay one dollar).

➜ Learn more

Emballage à bord

3.サステナブルな消費(sustainable consumption)



Following are examples:

  •  Plastic cups have been replaced by a compostable plant-based cornstarch cup.
  • Hot beverage cups are made from cardboard.
  • The cutlery and its packaging in Economy and Premium Economy are now 100% compostable.
  • Condiment packs are 100% compostable.
  • Blanket packaging is made from biodegradable material, on flights departing Noumea.
  • Duty-free bags are now paper bags (excluding liquid-based packaging governed by regulations).
  • Snack baskets are made from paper, with handles made from plant material.
  • Recently introduced lunch boxes are made from partially recyclable paper.
  • Premium Economy amenity kits are made from fabric. They contain a cornstarch-based toothbrush and no plastic packaging.
  • Plastic packaging of Premium Economy and Economy kits has been discontinued.
  • The children's kit consists of a variety of items made from recycled materials (eye mask and socks made from RPET, i.e. from recycled plastic).
  • The lids in Economy and Premium Economy class are made from biodegradable cardboard (previously made from aluminum)





In 2022 & 2023, a campaign was launched to switch to low-energy (LED) lighting at the Head office. This action has enabled us to reduce our electricity consumption by 30% to 40%.


エアカランは、CCI(商工会議所)が設置した「Circuit Pro」端末を利用しています。この事業者専用プラットフォームでは、商品や備品(中古家具など)の交換、販売、貸出、寄付を行うことができます。





  • また、古紙(本社では廃棄物の半分近くを占める)と使用済み電池は、指定されたゴミ箱による回収システムを確立しています。
  • IT関連のハードウェアを交換する際に、使用済みだがまだ機能する機器(CPU、スクリーン、キーボード、マウス)の一部を複数の協会に寄付し、他のユーザーのために役立てています。





Tortue verte Océan eau turquoise

4.生物多様性の保全と保護への貢献(contribute to the preservation and protection of biodiversity) 


  • 2018年、弊社は保護種の輸送に反対するバッキンガム宮殿宣言に賛同しました。野生生物輸送タスクフォース連合として知られるこの世界的な合意は、絶滅の危機に瀕した野生生物種(動植物)の違法輸送を対象とするもので、種(動物または植物)の違法輸送を対象としています。エアカランはこの署名を通じて、ニューカレドニアの類まれな生物多様性の保護と保全に積極的に取り組むことを表明します。
  • この分野で具体的な行動を起こすため、エアカランは WWFフランスが2022年に開始したイニシャティブに参加しています。 (このテーマについてニューカレドニアのWWF事務所が関与)2023年には、啓発活動、説明会、リスク管理活動が予定されています。

➜ 規約の詳細について詳しく見る


  • A partnership between 2016 and 2018 with the “Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle” of Paris, for the organization of major naturalist missions in New Caledonia as part of the “La planète revisitée” program.
  • A partnership with the “Conservatoire d’espaces naturels” for the 2019 dugong census campaign.
  • A partnership with Alexis Rosenfeld in 2020, photojournalist, to produce the documentary titled “Mer de Corail, la forêt primaire de l’océan”, for the Coral Sea Natural Park.
  • A partnership with the “Dayu Biik” association to participate in the World Congress of Biodiversity in Marseille from 11 to 19 June 2020. This organization oversees the protection of mountain Kaori trees on Mount “Panie”, an endemic endangered specie
  • In 2024, partnership with the Caledoclean (local association) to support environmental preservation operations (through the “eco-adventurer” children’s kit distributed on board)


New Caledonia map





世界100都市へのネットワーク (提携航空会社60社)

safety picto
